St. Patrick's Day on the slopes

While I'd love to get in one more ski over St. Patrick's Day weekend, the odds aren't in my favor. My mother is having a hip replacement on March 12 and I'll be home in the 413 on and off next week--and celebrating Chicopee style with one last luau at the HuKeLau.

That said, the house is up for grabs that weekend and you can take advantage of some fun in the North Conway area for St. Patrick's Day weekend:

Cranmore Mountain in North Conway is offering $17 night lift tickets.

King Pine Ski Area is having a 24 hour ski-a-thon to to ease the financial burden upon children and their families associated with specialty medical needs. King Pine Ski Area supports Cynthia's Challenge with the support of local business and the surrounding community. 

Apres ski at Attitash will feature a party with The Conniption Fits--grab a post ski Guinness and enjoy!

Plus--if you book through our listing with Airbnb, you'll save 24% off your nightly listing as one of our first guests! May the road rise to meet you on your way to the White Mountains!

Let's learn about the region

While the purpose of this website is to share information about our Silver Lake Vacation House rental, I'm so excited to have an outlet for sharing pictures, information, and historical tidbits about Madison, the White Mountains, and the region! Now that we won't be in Madison for one rushed week per year, I'm excited to sink my teeth into all the area has to offer.

If you have any favorites that we shouldn't miss out on, please visit the contact page and give us a holler! Even when you think you know all there is to see and do, someone always has another hidden gem to add!