Opening weekends on tap for popular family attractions

Memorial Day is the unofficial (but, really, let's call it official!) kickoff to summer. In New England you need to embrace every warm weekend you possibly can. Sun, sand, and quintessential attractions are all yours.

July and August are peak times to visit the Mount Washington Valley, but we're here to share a secret--June is pretty darn nice, too! Traffic is light on the Friday escape from Boston, family-fun is less expense and boasts short lines for all the good stuff.

We got our first taste of Santa's Village last December and LOVED it (minus the drive back in a snow storm that took us on some very dark, questionable, and treacherous road)! It's very Buddy the Elf and Christmas cheer is everywhere you go. The ride lineup is definitely geared to the under 7 set. Other than that, you'd need to be a Grinch not to love this place.

As for Story Land, le sigh! I just have a special place in my heart for this magical little place. I love the nostalgia factor and am more excited than the little guy to see the old women in the shoe. I need to sit on the tuffet every time we visit. And the day isn't complete without a spin on the Huff Puff and Whistle Railroad. The adult in me loves the Roar-a-sauras, Bamboo Chutes, and great customer service and cleanliness. The adult in me DOES NOT love the Turtle Twirl!  

Visit our partner booking sites and get your June weekends on the books. Full weeks in July are also available and you can really maximize the fun of the region while being able to soak in relaxing on Silver Lake.


Spring in the Mount Washington Valley

Check out this video...what are you inspired to try this spring?

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Let's learn about the region

While the purpose of this website is to share information about our Silver Lake Vacation House rental, I'm so excited to have an outlet for sharing pictures, information, and historical tidbits about Madison, the White Mountains, and the region! Now that we won't be in Madison for one rushed week per year, I'm excited to sink my teeth into all the area has to offer.

If you have any favorites that we shouldn't miss out on, please visit the contact page and give us a holler! Even when you think you know all there is to see and do, someone always has another hidden gem to add!